Giving Tuesday – Gifts that Give Back

Today is Giving Tuesday (and of course, there’s a hashtag for that: #givingTuesday), and we are all about giving here! For those who are new to us, Ten Eighteen gives 100% – yes ONE HUNDRED PERCENT – of the donations away to our programs in Uganda. No administrative fees. No overhead. All giving.

And we’ve been doing some awesome things lately!

ONE HARBOR CHURCH in Beaufort and Morehead City, NC, did a giving campaign recently, and raised enough money to buy and send 335 Luganda Bibles to Kampala! Those, along with another 115 Bibles gifted by friends of Pastor Sam Namatiiti, are now in a cargo container, on a ship, headed for Mombasa, Kenya. Once they arrive and clear customs, they will travel over-land across Kenya to Kampala, where Pastor Sam will joyfully take possession of them and hand them out to retired pastors in rural villages. This new translation (akin to our English NIV, in modern language) has been VERY well received by Bugandans. Pastor Godfrey Wanamitsa at Arise Africa International joyfully told me, “This is SO easy to read!” (And then asked if Pastor Sam could translate it into Lugisu!)

SATURDAY NIGHT LIFE CHURCH also made a donation for Bibles, and I was able to take a dozen to Uganda with me in October and deliver them to Pastor Sam. (They weigh a LOT, as we wanted them to be big enough, with a big enough font, to be read in poor light, by people with poor eyesight.)


Luganda Bible Uganda

Since my return from my almost-month in Uganda, we have been hard at work on our sister project, the Ndoto Collection. This for-profit online store is stocked with great clothing (like these pajama pants), jewelry and other items (aprons, ornaments, bags), made by impoverished women in Uganda, that make excellent gifts for yourself or someone else. And the BEST PART: Ndoto is giving 30-50% of the profits to Ten Eighteen! So you’re giving gifts that give back, both to our co-ops and partners in the form of a sustainable income, and to our programs here at Ten Eighteen. Talk about a win-win!

rowan ladies sewing Uganda




Short Term Missions Opportunities 2014

 We have several short-term missions trips opportunities this year:



In August 2013, we did a youth camp for about 40 kids in Mastic Point (you can see pics on the website and blog). We had basketball, soccer, outdoor games and VBS. We’re hoping to do TWO youth camps this year, one in late June in Nicholls Town, and one in either late July or early August in Mastic Point. It’s a one-week trip and includes some fun stuff, too. Last year’s cost was about $950 for the week (the airfare is the main fluctuating factor). We will take kids 14 and up, but it’s a great trip for families, too – Last year it was 3 families and me. 🙂  For the Mastic Point trip, the max we can accommodate is 10. I’m still waiting on some info for accommodation in Nicholls Town. (NOTE: You do need a passport to travel to the Bahamas.)



I don’t usually take groups to Uganda (we did a basketball camp in 2011 that was great, though!), but I’ve had several people express interest this year. If we get at least 6, I’ll take a group in September. It would be a minimum of 11 days (it’s 4 days of travel), and we’ll work with women and children in the slums of Kampala, and go to the Arise Africa Babies Home in Bukaleba. We can also spend time with hospice in Jinja and/or Tororo is that’s of interest. And we’ll go on a 1 night (2 game drives) safari at Lake Mburo. The cost will be around $3000 a person – I’ll get more precise if we do end up with enough people. Minimum age is 16 without a parent, 14 with.

(NOTE: You will need typhoid and yellow fever vaccinations to travel to Uganda, and will take malaria meds while there, which isn’t included in the cost quoted above. You’ll also need a visa, which is $50, and a passport if you don’t have one, also not included in the cost above.)



We are trying to start a very short term, monthly program in Andros to work with the elderly. The elderly in Andros is a hugely underserved population and in desperate need. We were hoping to start in january, but the accommodation fell through (twice) and we’re still working on a plan B. Participants would fly to Andros, spend 3 days working with 3 groups of 15 elderly per day, then leave the following day. The cost (depending on airfare) would be around $750-800. We only need 2-4 people per month.

If you’re interested in a trip, use the comments or the Contact section at our website  – and feel free to pass this on to anyone you know who might be.

If you’re interesting in hosting a fundraiser, let me know! We are in fairly desperate need for 2014, after our largest donor was unable to contribute for 2014 due to the economy.

the whole camp balls up

Talking About Hospice

"Dry gangrene" causes body part to dry up and break off. Most of the top of this grandmother's foot is gone. Unlike "wet" gangrene, it doesn't get in the blood, but without amputation it will spread

“Dry gangrene” causes body part to dry up and break off. Most of the top of this grandmother’s foot is gone. Unlike “wet” gangrene, it doesn’t get in the blood, but without amputation it will spread

One of my favorite groups of people in the world are the staff at Hospice Jinja and Hospice Tororo. Hospice anywhere is a tough gig — my mom always says anybody can do it, but I beg to disagree. Dealing with the dying, comforting them, encouraging their families… It’s very challenging. But the people who do it are truly some amazing folks.

Tonight I’m the keynote speaker at the annual fundraiser for Sovereign Wings of Hope in Houston, Texas. I came last year, too, and gave a short presentation on why I go to Uganda. I’m really honored that they asked me back as the keynote this year! (And I am apparently also getting the Pioneer Award!) If there is one thing I can – and love to – talk about, for hours on end, it’s Uganda and her people.

This is an excerpt from my speech tonight, and it’s a point I try to make whenever I talk to people about Ten Eighteen Uganda, and now Andros. It goes along with my motto that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. I hope you’ll let it sink in, and then let the Lord lead you in making a one-time or monthly donation.

start where you are

I want to tell you what your money will do in Uganda, so you realize that you really can help.

  • Right now, a grande latte at Starbucks is about $5.  In shillings at today’s exchange rate, that’s about 12,650 shillings. For 12,650 shillings, you can feed a family for two weeks.
  • Papa John’s has had a special going this week, “your choice” for $11. That’s 27,830 shillings. In Namuwongo, which is the slums of Kampala, you can rent a home for 30,000 shillings a month.
  • The new Hobbit extended edition DVD in BluRay is $29.95. That’s 75,900 shillings. The nurses at Hospice Jinja are paid 60,000 shillings a month. (And, by the way, the staff at Hospice Tororo, which just celebrated its one year anniversary, is still all volunteer.)
  • If you take your family, let’s say four people, to see the new kids movie Free Birds (which suggests you eat pizza instead of turkey for Thanksgiving!), it’ll cost you $30.50 for the tickets. You’ll spend at least $20 on concessions (and you won’t get much for that!). That’s 127,765 shillings, which would pay for about 30 boda trips for the nurses of Hospice Tororo to visit patients.

I am not saying that any of these things are wrong! I chose the expenses I did because they are things my family, even on a fairly tight budget, does on a regular basis. You may think that $5 a week, or $30 a month, or whatever amount you could spare isn’t enough to make any difference. All I’m trying to show you is that, in Uganda, it can be the difference – LITERALLY – between life and death. A bottle of clean water is 32 cents! 32 cents!

James 2:15-16 says:  If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what goodis that?

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ story of the Final Judgement in Matthew 25:

The Final Judgment

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’

A friend of mine told me a long time ago that his reading of this passage gave him to believe that what we are going to answer for when we stand before God at the end of our lives is WHAT DID WE DO WITH THE OPPORTUNITIES HE GAVE US?

Sometimes, those are big opportunities, like adopting a child, or saving someone from a fire. Sometimes they’re small ones, like heeding His voice when he asks you to talk to the cashier at the gas station or to pay the difference for the guy in front of you who doesn’t quite have enough for his groceries.

It’s easier to see those opportunities when they come, although it’s not always easy to do what we should.

What I hope you’ll see here tonight is an opportunity. There is an unattributed quote that I use a lot myself: No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

africa hope

Andros Youth Camp – Reflections

andros island resort

We spent the last afternoon at this beautiful beach, at the Andros Island Resort in Nicholls Town. The beer was cold, the ocean was crystal clear and cool, the weather was perfect, and the food was delicious. It was the perfect way to unwind after a week of much activity, much pouring out, much laughter and sweat and love. We talked, we walked, we sat, and, most importantly, we rested.

So what are the take-aways from the trip? Well, I’m not one to write eloquent spiritual essays, as much as I’d love to. I live my life very much like the Jews were supposed to in the Bible, seeing everything, secular and sacred, as spiritual. I go where He sends me, obey to the best of my ability, try to always listen for His voice, and be ready to do “the next thing” (TNT, in my house).  So while others on our team may have wonderfully deep spiritual insights, I’ll have to pass those along to you here, and write what God’s put in my heart.

First, it was definitely a God thing to go. He put together a great team, gave my daughter great insight while she was putting the program together, and kept all of us in the palm of His hand. There was never any inkling of a feeling that we were doing anything other than what He sent us there to do. You can’t ask for more than that!

Second, it was definitely the beginning of our work in Andros, not a stand-alone event. I think we will do at least one, and possibly two, camps next year. (Yes, for those of you who know me, I did just say that!) We will definitely be starting the elderly day care in January, 2014 (or soon after). If you are interested in volunteering for any upcoming Andros adventure, contact me and I’ll put you on the mailing list for future trip information. Somewhere down the road are eggs, hospice, a guest house, and then some business things… In some order!

Third, God gave me, personally, a great gift with the make-up of the team. I was expecting — and was willing — to have a team of 9 or 10 teenagers. To have families (5 teens and 5 adults, in fact), was truly a blessing for me, and was really a sign of the great care and love God has for each of us, and how well He knows us.

Finally, Andros has incredible needs. Food. Jobs. Transportation. Decent health care. Decent schools. Hospice. Organized youth sports. Church based youth groups. Infrastructure. Home repair. Plumbing. It really boggles the mind. And we can’t do everything. No one can. But we can do something, and we’ve now made a start.

My son leaves Wednesday for an extended stay in Uganda. I join him on September 12. The needs there are even greater, but our support base and programs are in place. Leaving again so soon is a strain on my husband (and pets), but he’s got a few business things that should keep him going while I’m gone. I’d really appreciate your prayers (and financial support if you can) as we try to obey and follow Him, wherever He leads.


Andros – the Research Day

You have probably guessed by now that we didn’t have internet in Andros. Well, technically we did… It didn’t work at all for 4 days, then worked sporadically and slowly after that. I was never able to open my WordPress blogs, though, even when it was working. So now, instead of one hugely long post, I’m going to split it into parts. We’ll have my research day, when I spoke to the doctor at the Nicholls Town clinic and the director of social services. Then I’ll do the team’s arrival, church, and our “tourist” day. I may break the camp up into more than one post – I’ll see how that goes as I write and add pictures. And finally, the last afternoon of decompressing, traveling home, and thoughts. I hope you’ll join me for all the posts (I’ll schedule one a day, so it’s not too overwhelming!). It was a GREAT trip!



I spent the morning in Nassau, waiting to see if the attorney was going to be able to fit me in her schedule. She wasn’t able to, but I did have a good conversation with her assistant, and have a much clearer picture of what we need to get Ten Eighteen registered in the Bahamas. I need to get on that stuff (financial letter of reference, personal letter of reference and criminal background checks for each of the board, plus a summary of Ten Eighteen’s activities to date, and a proposal of what we’ll do in the Bahamas) before I leave for Uganda on September 12 (which is really close!).


I had conch fritters at the hotel, looking out at the beach, then headed to the charter part of the airport. I got there at about 1:15, and finally got on a charter at 4:00! I was the first of the afternoon to want to go to Andros, and I had to wait until 4 other people came with the same destination. Once we were going, of course, it was only a fifteen minute flight. We flew around a rain storm, which was just amazing to see, but I was on the wrong side of the plane to take pictures.

IMG_4985 IMG_4987 IMG_4988 IMG_4992

Pastor Barr picked me up and stopped by his house, where Mother Barr gave me a delicious dinner of pork chop and rice. We went to the market and then Mrs. Beneby’s from there, and she was so happy to see me. (That’s always nice!) I had a quiet evening – I enjoyed my couple of quiet, alone days, knowing the team would be coming and the camp starting and there would be no such thing as quiet!

IMG_4994 IMG_4995 IMG_4998


Friday was lovely in the am, but rained most of the day. I spoke at length with Dr. Sharma, of the Nicholls Town Clinic, about hospice and the elderly. He sent me to see Gabrielle Romer, the director of Social Services for North Andros. All of us agreed that the elderly are in desperate need of help and socialization, and Gabrielle and I came up with a basic plan for an elderly day care, which I’m hoping to implement at the beginning of 2014 (with help from US volunteers, so more about that at a later date – but if you’re interested in volunteering for a 5 day trip to work with the elderly, let me know!). She’s out of the office through September, and I don’t get back from Uganda til early October, so that worked out great. The rest of the day was spent reading, listening to the rain, and enjoying the last day before all the action started.



IMG_5003 IMG_5018 IMG_5013 IMG_5017

As you drive around, and certainly once you begin talking to people, you realize the huge need in Andros. I have a lot of things on the back burner, but, as always, am trying to do “the next thing,” meaning the thing that God wants done next. For Ten Eighteen, that’s going to be trying to implement the elderly program. The hospice is still out there, but because of the centralized medical system (which is pretty dysfunctional), it’s going to take a long process of dealing with officials and ministries to get that going. I’m really excited about this next phase, and have already had some people express interest. The good news is that this program, as I’ve envisioned it, won’t cost very much to Ten Eighteen, and the cost to the volunteers will be fairly minimal as well (air fare, food, and lodging, and we’re working on a cheaper lodging solution). I’d love your prayers as I work on logistics!

See tomorrow’s post for the events of the weekend, including the saga of the missed flight, and swimming in Uncle Charlie’s blue hole, plus searching for pirate treasure.

Greetings from the Bahamas!

I’m here! Well, I’m here as in “in country.” I’m in Nassau until after lunch today, hopefully to meet with the attorney or her assistants this morning and get the final info on what we need to do to get our nonprofit registered here. I find that, in places like Uganda and the Bahamas, face-to-face is the only way (literally!) to get anything done! So I’m calling them again promptly at 9am, and hoping to catch a cab for Chancellors Chambers soon afterwards. Meanwhile, the sunrise here this morning was stunning:


I have had some really amazing divine appointments on the trip so far. First, the man that sat next to me from Atlanta to Nassau lives in Freeport, and gave me not only a great place to go on Wednesdays in Freeport for a fish fry (very good information indeed since we’ll be there in November!), but also the name of a wealthy man here in Nassau who is very generous, especially to local health-related causes. If I can get a meeting with him, he may be the solution to the hospice funding. That’s huge!

Then, I met the guys from the Hampton University basketball team, who are here for a tournament. They are just super guys to a man, and they all signed a tee shirt for me to give away at the camp. I think it will mean a lot to the kids that a college basketball team took the time to encourage them. (A couple of the guys – who shall remain nameless – said they’d rather do the camp than the tournament!)  I’ll be cheering for Hampton from now on – I may even have to get a tee shirt for game days!


Then, when I was down here in the lobby using the internet (theoretically I have it in the room, but in actuality, not so much), I met two men who are here for a Christian converence. One lives in Wrightsville Beach and seemed very interested in Ten Eighteen. He asked me to slide a card under his door (he was headed back to the conference’s evening session and I didn’t have my purse). The other man is involved with the ministry putting on the conference. He wrote down the website address and also seemed interested. So you never know how those connections will bear fruit, but it was great to chat with them, and they are praying for the camp.

And THEN… Yep, there’s more! … While I was at the restaurant where the team was signing the shirt, a guy came over to the team who, it turns out, coached the high school coach of three of the guys. Byron Dinkins, who the man had coached in Germany, went on to play in the NBA with the Rockets. Anyway, this man is very involved with some non-profits in the sports world, including one that’s in 60 countries (and 20 of them in places like Iraq!). He was also very interested in Ten Eighteen and took my card. He thinks he can hook me up with some of his contacts.

That was all between 2:30 and 8:00 yesterday…. Whew!  The moral of the story? Go where God sends you. Listen. when he prompts you to speak to someone, do it (I initiated the conversations with the basketball team and with the guys here for the conference). You may feel stupid (or crazy). But you just don’t know what will come of it! The Holy Spirit doesn’t waste anything. These contacts may or may not come out like we’re all thinking they will in the natural. But those contacts were all for reason, and I’m just excited to see how it all turns out.

So I’m off to Andros after lunch. I may or may not have internet (I’d say it’s 50/50 at best.) If you don’t hear from me for awhile, that’s why. I hope you will, though – I hope we have internet and I can post updates and pictures from the camp all throughout the week.

We covet your prayers. God has sent me here – sent this team to this place for this time. Please pray that we will make the most of every single opportunity He sends our way, not matter how strange it may seem at the time. My prayer for this team, especially, is that they will begin to see that following the Holy Spirit is “a wild goose chase” (to quote Mark Batterson and his wonderful book by the same name), and that they will begin to be open to true Kingdom life.

Bye for now!

god is so amazing

Youth camp is a month from today!!

I just realized today is July 12. Our Andros Youth Camp in Mastic Point starts on August 12! I can’t believe how fast time is flying.

Here’s where we are so far:

Ryan and I met for lunch this week to get the final daily schedule figured out, as well as hone in on our theme of “Are You Enough?”

I ordered 15 pounds of holi powder, which is what they use in the color run. I’m so excited to do this on the last day!

holi powder










The camp tees for the kids have been ordered, and I ended up with a price of $6.10/ea which includes set-up, screenprinting, and shipping! That was a godsend!

Staff tees have also been ordered. Those were a bit more because I got a higher quality, but they still came it at under $10/ea.

We have confirmed 50 kids for the camp!

We have a team meeting on Sunday, July 21st, and by then the program will be set and we’ll hand out assignments. After that, we’ll have a “packing party,” and then… We’re off!

If you’d like to donate for balls, tees, prizes, craft supplies and other necessary items for the camp, please go to our Go Fund Me page. It’s tax deductible, and 100% (minus the small fee from Go Fund Me) goes towards our work.

A meeting and an evacuation


We had our first meeting for the Andros missions trip today, and it was going great… Until a fireman knocked on the door and told us we had to evacuate because there was a broken gas line up the street! The ended things quickly!

We did get our information covered, and I showed a slideshow, which you can see here as a video.

As it turned out, we didn’t totally evacuate. We got the dog out right away, and then my son and I spent 15 min looking for the cat. By the time we got her into her carrier, the gas smell was gone and my husband was standing in road talking to a neighbor. The police and firemen didn’t ask us to leave, so we put the animals in the car and hung out in the yard. Apparently getting blown up in the yard would have been preferable to getting blown up in the house…!  Anyway, although there were more than a half dozen vehicles with flashing lights in the street, it was over in less than an hour from start to finish and all is well.

With the much excitement at the meeting, just think how exciting the trip will be!

Days 3, 4 and 5 – Hot, Rain, Hot

(NOTE: the photos quit uploading, so I’ll add those when I can!)


We went down into the community, visiting new families. This took me back to our first visits down in the slums, before we began doing the micro-business grants. The families we visited on Wednesday were in dire straights, their needs really overwhelming. I didn’t realize quite how much better off our ladies were now than when we met them until Wednesday. Some of what we encountered:

The children whose homes we visited Wednesday

The children whose homes we visited Wednesday

We visited the home of one of the new first year boys at the Ray of Hope school. He lives with his elderly grandparents, as his parents have died. The grandfather is in his 90’s, the grandmother in her 70’s. They currently have no income at all, and are eating only because a neighbor has been sharing food. Their rent is only 30,000 shillings a month, but they are going to have to move because the landlord wants to renovate. If you could see this place, you would know what a joke that is — it needs to be razed and rebuilt! Their options for making money are extremely limited by their age, but they don’t want to go back to their village, where they could have more food and more help. Emily and Christine are going to keep working on that option, as their prospects in Namuwongo are really quite limited.

IMG_4191Another family had been abandoned by the husband and evicted from their home for not paying rent. They were living in a church. The 16 year old daughter had been working as a maid but was raped by the man in the house and is now pregnant. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, and is virtually never prosecuted. We are going to pay 3 months rent somewhere so they can get out of the church, and work with her on what business she can start.

The last family we visited is the one that is really sticking with me (we visited 8 families that day). The mother is somewhat lame but works in a quarry pounding rocks into gravel with a sledgehammer. Her children, ages 7, 8 and 10, also work in the quarry. They make about 1,500 shillings a wheelbarrow full… No child should work in a quarry.


I had a very bad migraine Wednesday night, so didn’t go down on Thursday. I rested and slept in the morning, then, feeling better, worked on writing in the afternoon. We had a lot of rain and wind, so it wouldn’t have been a good day to visit the slums anyway.

FRIDAY (today):

First we visited Ebenezer Secondary School, where 15 of our sponsored kids are now going. We spoke with the headmaster, Mr. Mali, for quite a long time. I was impressed at how much he has learned about the kids just since the start of the term (about 2 weeks). The school did very well on the national exams last year, including having one of the top scoring students in both chemistry and math (both girls, surprisingly!). Our kids are adjusting well, and we saw some of them as we toured the facility.

We visited another student’s home, not down in the slums but in a “nicer” area that doesn’t floor. (Nicer is a relative term, but it did smell a lot better and it doesn’t flood.) The grandmother is supporting 6 grandchildren and her daughter, who is quite ill with HIV. (I suspect she has full-blown AIDS, as she is very malnourished, so we are going to look into a hospice referral.) The grandmother has been working in a coffee bean factory for 1,500 shillings a day, but it is not the season now, and the owner has also brought in a lot of machinery to replace the workers, so there is little work. We are going to look into her renting a stand and selling matoke; there is a another lady in the program doing this who can advise her.

We went WAY far down the tracks, in the opposite direction than I’ve been before. This is an even poorer area, although it doesn’t flood. The houses are even more inexpensive than the central part of the slums (25,000 instead of 40-50,000 for the same size place), but there is little opportunity to have a small business. We visited two families here. Both were abandoned by their husbands. One has to move because the landlord is going to raze the home. The mother works 7 days a week for an Indian family doing laundry, and makes 50,000 shillings a month (about $35). We talked to her about selling something cooked in the evenings near her home, since her children are small, and she said she could cook casava and pancakes. The other woman had remarried, but the husband won’t take care of her first daughter (almost 7 years old) because she is “not his,” so the child suffers from that. The mom used to hawk bras and things but lost her capital when the baby was sick and she had to pay medical fees. We’ll look into restocking her, as she is young and healthy and could do that to earn money.

Finally, we visited an Acholi family in another part of the slums I’d never been to. The husband “went mad” a year or so ago and returned to the village with 3 of the children, leaving the mother in Kampala with the younger 3. She has cancer and has been receiving free treatment at a government hospital here, so going back to the village, where she’d have to pay, is not really an option. I’m not sure what she can do for income – communication was difficult as we had no Acholi translator, and she is also weak from her treatments. She’s going to go to the Ray of Hope office to try to figure that out during the next week.

So, overall, it’s been challenging these last few days. We don’t have as much to invest in micro-business grants as we’ve had in the past, and yet the need is as great as ever. As always, I don’t want to say no to everyone, and yet taking on new commitments isn’t possible this year. So we’ll be meeting next Friday to discuss all the proposals and see who we can help and with how much. That is always so hard… When you see how they live, it is almost impossible to say no. But facts are facts, and we have a finite amount of money. I covet your prayers to allocate it properly!

Adding in a side trip!


In 2012, Hospice Jinja split off some staff and started Hospice Tororo, about 100 miles from Jinja. Just like Hospice Jinja did in the beginning, Tororo is struggling for funds. At the moment, Ten Eighteen doesn’t have any extra to divert to Tororo (unless you’d like to help?), but I was invited by Rinty (who used to be in Jinja) to come and visit them later this month. After some calculating and studying my schedule, I’m going to be able to go!

On the 26th I’ll be going out with Hospice Jinja to visit patients. I’m usually picked up at 8:00 and we’re done somewhere around 2:00-3:00 (no stops for food or bathroom all day, so I have to plan!). After we get back I’ll grab some lunch at a nearby restaurant. I’d like to go to Oz’s, but they take 45 min to make a burger, so I may have to get chicken on a stick and call it a day! Then James is going to drive me the 97 miles to Tororo. You’re thinking, “Oh, an hour and a half!” Um, no. My guess? At least three hours. I’ve heard the road is pretty good, but that means something totally different in Uganda than it does here!

I’m staying in the guest house, and will spend the morning with Rinty at their office. I don’t think I’ll be able to go out with the team, as my driver is coming around 1:00 to take me back to Kampala. I hear that’s 4 hours… So let’s figure at least 5 or 6! I’ll be back at Father’s House somewhere around dinner time.

It’s interesting that I’m involved with hospices. There’s actually another potential opportunity on the horizon. My mom has worked for hospice for over twenty years, and I’ve always said it’s a calling. I truly believe that —  most of us can’t deal with the pain and stress of the dying like those in hospice do with such amazing grace and compassion. But God has obviously connected me with these two great organizations, and if the third works out… well, what can I say? I’ll go where He sends me!